What are the policies / requirements governing back seat flights in the number 7 jet?
The Blue Angels give three backseat flights at each show site for selected personnel. All three riders fly with the #7 pilot in the two-seat jet. Two of those riders are selected from the Key Influencer (KI) program and one rider is a credentialed media representative. The KI program selects individuals who shape attitudes and opinions of youth in their communities. KI’s may be experts in their field, public figures, leaders of youth organizations, teachers, guidance counselors or school administrators. They are not always the person at the top of an organization, but rather individuals that have a strong impact on recruiting youth and/or a specific target audience. Flying these candidates, in coordination with media presence, is intended to promote the Navy and Marine Corps as professional and exciting organizations in which to serve. To be selected as a Key Influencer, you must first be nominated by a commanding officer of a Navy or a Marine Corps recruiting district. For more inform