What are the qualities and qualifications that a Software Architect needs to possess?
The best architects, command respect in the technical community, are good strategists, organisational consultants and leaders. Above all, they should be highly creative. An analogy that software architects use to describe what they do, is that of architects in construction. Do you agree? I recommend that you look at the article mentioned here for an in depth discussion on this subject. The author disagrees with this analogy. “Are Software Architects Like Building Architecs?”(http:// interactive.sei.cmu.edu/news@sei/columns/the_architect/1998/September/ architect-sep98.htm). What is the importance of architecting software – say business solutions software? Architecture plays an important role in dealing with complexity of the system in the following ways. • Understanding of the system at a fairly high-level, by all the stakeholders • Detailed understanding of the portions of the system that they work on, by all the developers. • Partitioning work effectively across all the developers. •