What are the reasons for hair loss?
A. Research has shown that genetics is only one of the causes is of thinning hair. Build-up of conventional hair care product ingredients, toxins and pollutants from the environment, and as a lack of circulation to the scalp skin also can contribute to thinning hair. The damaging effects of chemical service residues as well as the mechanical aggressiveness of styling combined with the heat from styling tools can also lead to excessive daily hair loss. Hormonal changes that women experience throughout their lives can cause temporary as well as permanent hair loss. Many medications or medical treatments have side effects leading to excessive daily hair loss.
Hair loss usually caused by genetics, stress and impropert diet.There are all sorts of products on the market today that can aid in hair health. I recommend products like Nioxin and Reloxe for healthy hair.
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Hair loss is largely determined by genetics, but there are many other reasons for hair loss as well. Hair loss can also be caused by medications, drug use, illness, high fever, pregnancy, stress, trauma, poor diet and nutrition, extreme weight loss or gain, environmental toxins and pollutants, allergic reactions to hair products, and tightly pulled hairstyles.