What are the security features in FairPrice Plus Internet Banking?
Ans: We use the highest level of encryption available today to ensure that your account information and instructions are safely sent through. Entering FairPrice Plus Internet Banking To login, key in an Access Code, a 6-digit PIN and 2-Factor Authentication, which is only known to you. During the Session Once you have logged in, all communications are encrypted to protect the confidentiality of your transactions using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL 128 bit), the highest level of encryption used. The session will automatically be terminated if account remains unused for 10 minutes. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access to your account.
We use the highest level of encryption available today to ensure that your account information and instructions are safely sent through. Entering FairPrice Plus Internet Banking To login, key in an Access Code, a 6-digit PIN and 2-Factor Authentication, which is only known to you. During the Session Once you have logged in, all communications are encrypted to protect the confidentiality of your transactions using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL 128 bit), the highest level of encryption used. The session will automatically be terminated if account remains unused for 10 minutes. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access to your account.