What Are the Treatments for Hemophilia?
Treatments for hemophilia include: • Receiving clotting factors • Medication • Treatment for joint bleeding and other problems associated with hemophilia The treatments you need and their frequency depend on the type of hemophilia (A or B) and the severity of hemophilia. For instance, if you have mild hemophilia, you may need treatment only when you’ve been injured or in preparation for surgery. However, if you have severe hemophilia and bleed frequently, you may need regular treatment to prevent bleeding and protect your joints from deformity and disability. Clotting Factors for Hemophilia People with hemophilia receive the appropriate clotting factor (factor VIII or factor IX). The clotting factor is given intravenously (through a needle in your vein) to stop or prevent bleeding. Factor preparations come from two sources: • Made from donated blood plasma • Synthetic (DNA-derived) Medication for Hemophilia A A medication called desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) can temporarily increase the