What are the vaccination requirements?
You need to get advice from your general practice. They may recommend a whole cocktail of things which will cost quite a lot: ask what is absolutely essential. Many organisations have out of date information about Yellow Fever. A Yellow Fever Certificate is required by all people visiting Tanzania/Zanzibar who may have recently visited a Yellow Fever endemic zone, or may have visited such a zone on their way to Tanzania/Zanzibar. We do advise people doing a safari in Kenya on their way to Tanzania/Zanzibar to have a Yellow Fever vaccination. The Tanzania health authorities are advising people that they should have a Yellow Fever vaccination for their own protection – however, please seek advice from your GP practice. People having a Yellow Fever vaccination need to have it at least 10 days prior to travel. /p> Our understanding is that it is advisable to have protection for Hepatitis A, Typhoid & Polio. It is also advisable to take protection against Malaria, please consult your GP pra