What are Vitamins, minerals, and herbs?
Vitamins – Today it’s harder for us to receive the nutrients we need from our food than it was for our grandparents. Whether it’s attributable to our busy lifestyles, environmental hazards like smog and pollution, or to foods grown in nutrient poor soil, getting all the needed vitamins and minerals directly from our diets is rarely a simple matter. The addition of a good multivitamin is more important than ever to supplement our diets. It is important for women of childbearing age to meet daily nutritional requirements, especially for vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and folic acid. It is during these years that women prepare for future health, building stores of calcium supporting the prevention of osteoporosis as well as maintaining an intake of folic acid to prevent birth defects in future pregnancies. Women past the childbearing years face the beginning effects of aging and menopause.
Vitamins – Today it’s harder for us to receive the nutrients we need from our food than it was for our grandparents. Whether it’s attributable to our busy lifestyles, environmental hazards like smog and pollution, or to foods grown in nutrient poor soil, getting all the needed vitamins and minerals directly from our diets is rarely a simple matter. The addition of a good multivitamin is more important than ever to supplement our diets. It is important for women of childbearing age to meet daily nutritional requirements, especially for vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and folic acid. It is during these years that women prepare for future health, building stores of calcium supporting the prevention of osteoporosis as well as maintaining an intake of folic acid to prevent birth defects in future pregnancies. Women past the childbearing years face the beginning effects of aging and menopause. As we successfully advance into maturity, we begin to notice differences in our health