What books are available on Solaris x86?
For Unix system administration in general, I like Unix System Administration Handbook, 3d ed. by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, and Trent R. Hein (Prentice Hall, 1995), ISBN 0-13-020601-7 http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#0131510517 Ron Ledesma has written PC Hardware Configuration Guide for DOS and Solaris (SunSoft Press, 1994), ISBN 0-13-124678-X, http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#013124678x. It’s a well-written, but dated, book on setting up Solaris x86 on Intel Architecture. There’s also Solaris 2.X for Managers and Administrators by Curt Freeland, Dwight McKay, Kent Parkinson, 2d ed. (1997), ISBN: 1-56690-150-2, http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#1566901502 The following two books by Janice Winsor cover Solaris 2.6 for SPARC and x86. They are from Sun Microsystems/Macmillan Technical Publishing. I find they cover the subject matter too lightly, but they may be good for beginners: Solaris System Administrator’s Guide, 2d ed. (1998), ISBN 1-57870-040-X, http://sun.drydog.com/b
For Unix system administration in general, I like Unix System Administration Handbook, 3d ed. by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, and Trent R. Hein (Prentice Hall, 1995), ISBN 0-13-020601-7 http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#0131510517 Ron Ledesma has written PC Hardware Configuration Guide for DOS and Solaris (SunSoft Press, 1994), ISBN 0-13-124678-X, http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#013124678x. It’s a well-written, but dated, book on setting up Solaris x86 on Intel Architecture. There’s also Solaris 2.X for Managers and Administrators by Curt Freeland, Dwight McKay, Kent Parkinson, 2d ed. (1997), ISBN: 1-56690-150-2, http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#1566901502 The following book by Janice Winsor covers Solaris 9 for SPARC and x86. I find it covers the subject matter too lightly, but it may be good for beginners: Solaris Operating Environment Administrator’s Guide, 4th ed. (2003), ISBN 0-13101401-3, http://sun.drydog.com/bookstore/#0131014013 Other books are available on Solaris
For Unix system administration in general, I like Unix System Administration Handbook, 2d ed. (“The Red Book”), by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, and Trent R. Hein (Prentice Hall, 1995), ISBN 0-13-151051-7 http://sun.pmbc.com/bookstore/#0131510517 Ron Ledesma has written PC Hardware Configuration Guide for DOS and Solaris (SunSoft Press, 1994), ISBN 0-13-124678-X, http://sun.pmbc.com/bookstore/#013124678x. It’s a well-written, but dated, book on setting up Solaris x86 on Intel Architecture. There’s also Solaris 2.X for Managers and Administrators by Curt Freeland, Dwight McKay, Kent Parkinson, 2d ed. (1997), ISBN: 1-56690-150-2, http://sun.pmbc.com/bookstore/#1566901502 The following two books by Janice Winsor cover Solaris 2.6 for SPARC and x86. They are from Sun Microsystems/Macmillan Technical Publishing. I find they cover the subject matter too lightly, but they may be good for beginners: Solaris System Administrator’s Guide, 2d ed. (1998), ISBN 1-57870-040-X, http://sun.
• OpenSolaris Bible (Wiley, 2009) by Solter, Jelinek, and Miner. Excellent overall book, including Virtualization, ZFS, Dtrace, and basic administration. • Solaris Security Essentials (Prentice Hall, 2009) by Veach and Sun engineers. Good book for security, including roles, encryption, authentication, and filesystem and network security. • Solaris Internals 2d ed. (Pretice Hall, 2006) by McDougall and Mauro. Second edition updated for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris. Excellent overview on Solaris kernel implementation. • Solaris 10 System Administration Essentials (Prentice Hall, 2009) by Jain, Davenport, Bustos, and Sun engineers. I haven’t seen a review copy, but the authors know their stuff. • Pro OpenSolaris (Apress, 2009) by Foxwell and Tran.