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What can I expect after free vascularized fibular grafting surgery to the hip?


What can I expect after free vascularized fibular grafting surgery to the hip?


• After surgery the patient is given blood thinners (anticoagulant) which help prevent the blood from clotting as quickly and helps blood flow to the bone grafted area of the hip. • An epidural (a form of anesthesia given to pregnant women during baby delivery) is typically used for pain control after surgery for about 36 hours. Pain is then controlled with pain medication taken by mouth. • The hospital stay is usually four to five days. Discharge from the hospital is typically to home. • Physical therapy (PT) begins instruction on basic stretching exercises on the 1st day after surgery. On the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery, PT will begin teaching crutch-walking and limitations of activities that need to be strictly followed during the recovery time. NO WEIGHT on the operated leg is allowed for 6 weeks after surgery. Basic exercises for muscle strengthening are allowed around 3 weeks after surgery. • After the initial 6 weeks, gradual weight-bearing is allowed on the operated leg with t

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.