What can I send my boyfriend while hes in Marine Boot camp?
Yes you can send packages. I was in the Marines for 2 years, In the Army now. When packages came, we had to open them there to make sure no contrabands were present. Toothpaste, books (no nudity), pencils, papers etc. are all fine. My friend sent me a whole bunch of snacks one time and I shared it with everyone because it was my birthday (wasn’t allowed to take it back to my room) so the drill instructors was cool with it. But you’re alloted time to go shopping for personal hygiene. You can just send him books to read, funny stuff, and letters (don’t send sad letters and “i miss you so much letters”).
honestly if he doesn’t have something in USMC boot camp he needs, it will be provided for him some how… and for crying out loud don’t send him any love’y-dove’y notes because it will be opened and read aloud and he will get the crap smoked out of him for fun. All he needs from you is for you to not go out chasing Jodies.