What cannot be treated with Hopi Ear Candles?
• Perforation or lack of eardrum • Recent ear surgery • Ventilation tubes, auricular drains or grommets • Auricular cysts • Acute mastoiditis • Otosclerosis or Otospongiosis • Ear tumour If you are in doubt about any of these conditions or problems you have with your ear you must consult your GP before attending a treatment. What does the treatment include? • A short consultation about medications and ear conditions • An ear examination • A candle is then put in the first ear and lit (this lasts approximately 9-11 minutes) • The ear is then cleaned • The second ear is then treated and cleaned • There is a facial massage to improve circulation and energy flow to the area • The client will be asked to drink a glass of water to rehydrate • The candles can then be examined to identify problems with the ear and ascertain whether further treatments are needed What is a Hopi Ear Candle? Ear candles are an ancient, mild and natural therapy and have been used by the Native American Indian for m