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What causes KS or HH?

causes HH KS
10 Posted

What causes KS or HH?


KS and HH are classed as congenital disorders because they arise from the genetic code that causes each one of us to be individuals. The genetic code is contained in virtually every living cell and is the blue print or computer programme that is required to produce every part of an individual. Each persons code is different but only varies very slightly to produce individual characteristics like body shape, eye colour and height. However sometimes an error occurs in the programme that causes a vital part of the body not to be formed or not to function properly. This can lead to a specific disease or disorder. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a very serious congenital disorder.Kallmanns in particular and possible a few other forms of HH are thought to arise because the cells of the hypothalamus that should release the correct hormone to initiate puberty are absent. During the development of the brain from a foetus to a baby these cells have to migrate from another area of the brain.


KS and HH are classed as congenital disorders because they arise from the genetic code that causes each one of us to be individuals. The genetic code is contained in virtually every living cell and is the blue print or computer programme that is required to produce every part of an individual. Each person’s code is different but only varies very slightly to produce individual characteristics like body shape, eye colour and height. However sometimes an error occurs in the programme that causes a vital part of the body not to be formed or not to function properly. This can lead to a specific disease or disorder. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a very serious congenital disorder. Kallmann’s in particular and possible a few other forms of HH are thought to arise because the cells of the hypothalamus gland, located deep within the brain, that should release the correct hormone (GnRH or LHRH) to initiate puberty are absent. During the development of the brain from a foetus to a baby these c

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