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What Causes Lights to Flicker?

causes flicker lights

What Causes Lights to Flicker?


Flickering lights usually indicate a poor connection in the light or contact somewhere in the circuit or in the panel. Finding the exact source of the problem-point can be difficult. It can be caused by a bad light socket or a poor electrical connection somewhere in the wires leading to the light (most likely right at the fixture). Flickering can cause the bad connection to get hot and may start a fire. If you cannot locate the cause of the flickering and it affects many or all lights, this could indicate a bad neutral connection, which can also be dangerous. Another indication of a neutral problem; as larger appliances (washing machines/dishwashers) cycle lights will get noticeably brighter or dimmer (minor changes in intensity are normal). If you suspect this problem have either the electric company or an electrician check it out.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.