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What childrens books use alliteration?


What childrens books use alliteration?


The category is as diverse as nursery Rhymes and poetry. One rather silly and oddly orignally militant example was the Dr. Seuss ( I am no fan of him) One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, which can be easily interpreted as an alliteration (not strictly speaking a parody) of the opening sequences of the (Wellington Victory) By Beethoven, used for many years on I believe the Huntley-brinkley news. It the muscial version wa ssupposed to be battle themed, like l8l2 Overture or in reverse order- Walkking int he Rain with the l05″s letting go at the begining of the song. There is nothing violent at all about One fish, Two fish, etc.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.