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What does a PBI team do?


What does a PBI team do?


When there is a conflict within a state or between communities or nations, certain actions are possible and appropriate for outsiders – others are not. A PBI team seeks to encourage, by means of an international, nonviolent, non partisan presence, a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the local area. To do this, PBI teams: • Offer support and protective accompaniment to human rights defenders, groups or individuals threatened with violence; • Develop a thorough analysis of the political situation by listening to the widest possible range of viewpoints and experiences while respecting needs for confidentiality; • Report to the outside world a non-partisan analysis of the situation as seen on the ground in the area; • Encourage actions to reduce the level of violence; • Meet regularly with local and national civil and military authorities and embassies to raise concerns regarding human rights abuses as they affect the organisations we accompany.PBI is not a development organisation. We b

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.