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What does a recommendation look like?

look recommendation
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What does a recommendation look like?


A recommendation has the following format:RecPolicyName : recommend ( Rr, Re, As, L ) ← Cs;Rr recommends/does not recommend Re at recommendation level L to perform As if constraint(s) Cs is true.whereRecPolicyName The unique name of the rule being defined.Rr The recommendor. The name of the entity making the recommendation.Re The recommendee. The name of the entity that the recommendation is about.L The recommendation level. L can either be a label or an integer. All labels are translated to integers for analysis and management. L is >= 100 and < 0 for negative recommendations and L is > 0 and <= 100 for positive recommendations.As The recommended action set. A colon delimited set of actions or action prohibitions that Rr recommends Re be trusted/distrusted to perform. Each action name stipulates the entity on which the action is performed.Cs The constraint set. A delimited set of constraints that must be satisfied for the recommendation to be valid.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.