What does acupuncture feel like? Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are 25-50 times thinner than a hypodermicneedle. They are so thin that several acupuncture needles can go intothe middle of a hypodermic needle. There is little sensitivity to theinsertion of acupuncture needles.
While some people feel nothing at all; others experience a briefmoment of discomfort as the needle penetrates the skin that can befollowed by a mild sensation of cramping, tingling, numbness, travelingwarmth, or heaviness. The needles are left in place for twenty to fortyminutes. Most people find the experience extremely relaxing anduplifting and even fall asleep for the duration of the treatment.
That being said, some conditions will respond better to a thickergauge acupuncture needle. It is common to experience soreness duringand after an acupuncture treatment. It is important to let youracupuncturist know immediately so that they can make you morecomfortable. If you are sensitive to acupuncture or ‘needle-phobic’your acupuncturist can use thinner needles and be gentler. Be sure tospeak up and let the practitioner know how you are feeling! More…
Source: Acufinder.com
Most people experience a deep relaxation during treatments. Some patients even fall asleep, but usually people simply feel a sense of calm and peace. Acupuncture doesn’t ‘knock you out,’ you can pay attention to what’s going on around you if you like, but most folks would rather not – it’s more enjoyable just to drift. I have had several people tell me they would come back for treatments even if they really didn’t help with their main complaint, just to experience the restful feeling of the treatment (fortunately, the treatments do help with people’s complaints, as well!). When acupuncture is done with sensitivity, the patient may feel nothing at all, or only a slight sense of pressure when the needle is inserted. On rare occasion, there will be a slight stinging sensation when the needle is inserted (usually because the needle is too close to a hair follicle, which is where most of our sensory nerves are located).
Most people experience a deep relaxation during treatments. Some patients even fall asleep, but usually people simply feel a sense of calm and peace. Acupuncture doesn’t ‘knock you out,’ you can pay attention to what’s going on around you if you like, but most folks would rather not – it’s more enjoyable just to drift. I have had several people tell me they would come back for treatments even if they really didn’t help with their main complaint, just to experience the restful feeling of the treatment (fortunately, the treatments do help with people’s complaints, as well!). When acupuncture is done with sensitivity, the patient may feel nothing at all, or only a slight sense of pressure when the needle is inserted. On rare occasion, there will be a slight stinging sensation when the needle is inserted (usually because the needle is too close to a hair follicle, which is where most of our sensory nerves are located). This can be very quickly alleviated by taking the needle out and reinse