What Does “Antichrist” Mean?
Search the Scriptures Daily Program #1306a Transcript follows: Welcome to Search the Scriptures Daily, a radio ministry of The Berean Call featuring Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon. I’m Gary Carmichael. We’re glad you could be here. Coming up in the next hour in our Understanding the Scriptures segment, Dave and Tom will continue their in-depth study of the Book of Acts, and “Why did the disciples think was mad?” In Religion in the News, “Churches celebrate evolution.” We’ll take a look at that story and examine the question: “Does God have seven spirits?” We hope you can stay with us. Our ministry, The Berean Call, offers a wide selection of teaching materials including books, tracts, audio and video tapes, and copies of our weekly broadcast on tape or compact disk. You may also subscribe to our monthly Newsletter, which we offer free of charge. We’ll let you know how to order later in the program. Now, this week’s Cover Article. We continue with our series of programs based on Dave Hunt’