What does expository, persuasive , and personal narrative writing mean?
Expository – An expository essay requires students to explain, interpret, or describe something based upon background experiences or information provided in the prompt. Persuasive – A persuasive essay requires students to take a position on a subject and develop one side of an argument. The student’s goal is to persuade the reader to have the same belief or share the same opinion. Personal Narrative – An essay where students tell a story from an event in their own lives or an observed event. What does Power 1, 2, and 3 mean? Power 1 – Power one is red in color and it signifies the main idea or theme of the paper. Power 2 – Power two is blue and it represents general supporting details to the main idea of the essay. Power 3 – Power three is green and it elaborates even more specifically about the supporting details of the essay. What is a Prompt? A prompt is the general topic of your writing assignment. Example Prompt for a persuasive essay: The United States has had television for many