What does it mean when 31/2 old babys poo is green?
First, I assume you are breastfeeding? If your baby’s poo is green and your baby is strictly breastfed, this may be a foremilk imbalance, or an oversupply of milk. This will cause her to be gassy and fussy. Foremilk is the watery, clearish milk that comes out first. Hindmilk is thicker, whiter, and has more fat – and it comes later during a feeding. Both are good for your baby. But if your baby gets too much of the foremilk, it can cause her poos to be greenish and her to be gassy. A good way to remedy this is to let her eat for as long as she wants on one breast, to be sure she gets both the foremilk and the hindmilk. Once she seems “done” with the first breast, offer the second, and let her eat until she is done on that side (if she even wants it at all! If you have an abundance of milk, she may get plenty off of just one!).