What does the ECC believe and teach with regard to marriage, divorce & remarriage?
The ECC regards marriage as a sacrament. The ECC maintains that divorce is a tragic situation for all involved, but due to human imperfection, at times unavoidable. For many, divorce is one of the most painful and difficult time in their lives. The ECC seeks to reach out in compassion and healing to all concerned at this most difficult time. The ECC does not require an annulment in order to enter into a subsequent marriage. Those who have divorced and remarried are not excluded from the Eucharist or other sacraments. Our Presiding Bishop, Peter Hickman, has written a pastoral letter entitled Marriage & Re-Marriage in the Church Today. What follows are a few excerpts from this pastoral letter, to provide a flavor of the pastoral approach of the ECC in this difficult situation:The school of marriage teaches valuable lessons which can be applied to all relationships in life. Sometimes that school provides hard lessons in the painful tragedy of divorce. Divorce is a major trauma for all wh