What does the future hold for Indian tigers?
Tiger conservation continues to face increasing challenges on the ground. However, it is still not too late. Through scientific, planned management interventions such as restoration of habitat and prey base, curbing human-tiger conflict and illegal wildlife trade, we can help conserve viable tiger populations in the wild.
The future of the Indian people and the human race is inextricably bound up with the fate of the tiger and all the countless living organisms that form the fabric of life on this planet. Saving the India’s tigers and its land means starting from scratch in village, town and city, creating political will through the power of the people, ensuring better legislation that protects the right of wildlife to live, and enforcing the laws of the land to prevent large scale violations of the fabric of nature, this enormous challenge requires courage from each and every one of us the courage to move away from insular lives around television sets and to enter the public arena of battle through sites like this one.