What does the HAWHAW proxy?
Simplified your browser requests some document and awaits it in a format he is able to understand, e.g. a WAP phone awaits Wireless Markup Language (WML), standard (big-screen) browsers await HTML, other devices await cHTML, HDML, etc.. When the HAWHAW proxy receives the browsers request, he retrieves the HAWHAW XML file from your webserver. After he checked the file for syntactically correctness, the HAWHAW proxy determines from what kind of device the request was coming and then creates the optimized response to answer the request. In other words, the HAWHAW proxy converts the HAWHAW XML response into the appropriate response the browser is able to understand.
Simplified your browser requests some document and awaits it in a format he is able to understand, e.g. a WAP phone awaits Wireless Markup Language (WML), standard (big-screen) browsers await HTML, other devices await cHTML, HDML, etc.. When the HAWHAW proxy receives the browsers request, he retrieves the HAWHAW XML file from your webserver. After he checked the file for syntactically correctness, the HAWHAW proxy determines from what kind of device the request was coming and then creates the optimized response to answer the request. In other words, the HAWHAW proxy converts the HAWHAW XML response into the appropriate response the browser is able to understand.