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What does United Way do in addition to raising money?

addition money raising United

What does United Way do in addition to raising money?


Fundraising is just one part of the immense value Valley of the Sun United Way brings to our community. By partnering with businesses, government, non-profit organizations, and individuals, we help improve lives and create sustained change in our community. Valley of the Sun United Way also monitors the Valley’s changing needs and focuses resources to provide quality solutions.


A. Fundraising is just one part of the immense value United Way of Tulare County brings to our community. By partnering with businesses, government, non-profit organizations, and individuals, we help improve lives and create sustained change in our community. United Way of Tulare County also monitors the Tulare County’s changing needs and focuses resources to provide quality solutions.


A. United Way plays a unique and vital role in our community. In addition to raising money, United Way monitors needs, identifies critical social issues, and brings the right people together to advance the common good. Often United Way partners with non-profits, businesses and government to educate the public about key social issues. Recently, United Way helped increase awareness of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to help working families and individuals increase their financial stability. In addition, United Way rallies community volunteers and connects them to volunteer opportunities. For example, local volunteers have teamed-up with United Way to assembly our School Readiness Kits. These comprehensive tool boxes help parents and caregivers improve a child’s literacy and motor skills, preparing them to successfully enter kindergarten.


Fundraising is just one part of the immense value United Way of Central Arkansas brings to our community. United Way fulfills a unique and vital role in our community by monitoring needs, identifying critical issues and bringing together government, business, nonprofits and individuals to achieve results that matter. Trained volunteers, along with United Way expertise, help ensure that your gift is invested to achieve the greatest impact on the issues that matter most.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.