What effect does translucence, light and color have on peoples moods and attitude?
Mary – Oh, it’s huge. There are spaces that make you feel good and expansive. And then there are spaces that make you want to run. It’s not always logical. Sometimes a cluttered space can be a rich environment. So it’s not necessarily a minimalist environment. But it’s an environment that feeds the soul. Light and color have a huge effect on that. One of the theories I’ve been evolving is that you build a space in such a way that people in that space feel centered. There are so many choices in the world and there are so many people. It’s easy to feel lost; there is a crisis of possibilities. (Just try to go pick out a cell phone. I don’t want even to think about it!) The array of choices we have in every area is one great benefit of our prosperous society but it’s also very confusing. We don’t really want or need all of those choices. We would like someone to curate the choices for us. To make powerful and appropriate choices, we want some place to be where you understand your position