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What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?

diseases exert ions live negative

What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?


A. Prevent the liver from viral infection. Negative ions can activate the cell, enhance liver reticuloendothelial cell energy, and decrease the ability of phagocytes virus. Therefore, the negative ions can help to prevent viruses from invading the liver. Once infection occurs, negative ions can stimulate the B lymphocytes, produce antibodies, and strengthen phagocytes of macrophages and leucocytes, diminish liver viruses, and shorten the course of illness. B. Promote liver function and improve fatty liver. The chemical function of the liver is controlled by the autonomic nerves. Negative ions can help to normalize the work of the autonomic nerves, decompose metabolic fat function at a normal level, and improve and prevent fatty liver. C. Improve oxygen content, cleanse the blood, and prevent cirrhosis of liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is related to infection and autoimmunity. Negative ions increase the oxygen content of the red blood cell, improve the hypoxia state of liver cells, promo

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