What evaluations and research studies are included in the database?
Our database offers a range of research and evaluation work from large-scale national OST investments to small-scale local program evaluations, and programs and initiatives that focus on after school as well as on broader out-of-school time. It also includes research and evaluation work on initiatives that have strong OST components, such as community schools and mentoring initiatives. We will continue to add studies and evaluations that best respond to and serve the needs and interests of the field. Evaluations and studies included in our database must meet three criteria: • Examine programs or initiatives operating during out-of-school time. • The evaluations or research studies aim to answer a specific question or set of questions about OST programs or initiatives. • The programs or initiatives serve children between the ages of 5 and 19. Additionally, we have developed a set of criteria to prioritize the order of entry of evaluations and studies into the database. We expect these p