What exactly is a lice infestation?
Head lice are parasites that live on the scalp and hair and feed on blood. They cause itching and discomfort and are highly contagious. They are spread through human contact, so it is important to treatment them quickly and effectively because they multiply and spread easily. Nits are the eggs laid by adult lice. Adult lice lay 3 to 10 eggs per day, and the eggs then hatch in 7 to 10 days. Nits are about the size of a poppy seed but are white in color, although they may appear darker depending on the color of the hair they occupy. They are located on the shaft of the hair near the scalp and it is impossible to brush them away like dandruff because they are glued to the hair shaft. They are difficult to remove and must be physically pulled or combed out of the hair. A special comb designed for nit removal should be used. Head lice are spread in different ways. They can crawl at a rate of 6 to 30 cm per minute, and can move onto another person or onto an article of clothing or bedding an