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What happens if I don’t comply with UNT policy or federal regulations?

10 Posted

What happens if I don’t comply with UNT policy or federal regulations?


If non-compliance is alleged, the IRB Chair will initiate an investigation. The researcher will be informed of the allegations and given time to respond. The Chair will present relevant information to the IRB which will recommend appropriate actions to the UNT Vice President for Research and Economic Development. Possible corrective actions include but are not limited to: destruction of all data improperly collected; required additional training for Investigator and key personnel; temporary suspension of the Investigator’s eligibility to conduct human subjects research; notification to subjects regarding the non-compliance; and letters of reprimand to persons involved in the non-compliance. Non-compliance can have serious consequences for both the Investigator and UNT, including termination of project approval and the UNT’s loss of all federal or other funding related to research activities. If the Vice President for Research & Economic Development determines the non-compliance to be s

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.