What happens when a fish or river dolphin is killed in the river?
If dolphins, fish, or most any animal in the river dies it will most likely become food for the other animals. Many of the fish in the river systems are purely scavengers, one of the most well known scavengers are Piranha. Even though they have a very bad, and mostly undeserved reputation as being vicious fish, they would much prefer to find a free lunch than have to work for it. You can be assured that no animal goes to waste when it dies, the other animals will use it to sustain themselves. Are they any fish who light up in the Amazon? I am not aware of any bioluminescent fish in the Amazon River. A lot of people think that Cardinal Tetras, Paracheirodon axelrodi, and Neon Tetras, Paracheirodon innesi, would glow because of the vibrant blue and red coloration of the fish, but in actuality, the colors are caused both by pigmentation in the animals skin, and light refraction from the scales. Now, this does not mean that there are not bioluminescent fish in the Amazon, new fish are bein