What if I experience a BBT thermal shift but the ovulation tests failed to detect my LH Surge?
It is possible to miss the surge. If you have a test line that is fairly dark one day then very light the next, you may have missed the actual surge. If your thermal shift occurs, you probably ovulated. It may be a good idea to test twice a day when you feel that you are close to ovulating. Another possibility is that you didn’t hold your urine long enough (resulting in a diluted sample).
It is possible to miss the surge. If you have a test line that is fairly dark one day then very light the next, you may have missed the actual surge. If your thermal shift occurs, you probably ovulated. It may be a good idea to test twice a day when you feel that you are close to ovulating. Another possibility is that you didn’t hold your urine long enough (resulting in a diluted sample). Other Notes from the Manufacturer 1) Should I restrict my diet before taking the test? No, diet will not affect the test results. 2) Does alcohol, aspirin, or any other common drug affe; Serophene) clomid, pacific center – ( citrate clomiphene fertility. Predictor parentime features-ovulation my kit faq |. Ood test at your doctor’s office. Remember that not every women will ovulate every month. I personally did not ovulate for two months following my first miscarriage. As you are trying, make sure to “release” the sperm in your partner at least once during the gap between ovulation and new cycle Day 8