What is a Dehumidifier?
– A Dehumidifier, (DEE- hyoo-MIHD-uh-FY-uhr), is a device that removes moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers are commonly used in order to make homes more comfortable, to remove moisture from basements, and used when a room or area have been flooded by water and need drying out. A dehumidifier is just the opposite of a humidifier. Where humidifiers ADD moisture to the air, dehumidifiers simply remove moisture (humidity) from the air. Why the need for a dehumidifier? – Warmer air can contain more moisture than cooler air can. On hot days, this additional moisture can make people uncomfortable. But reducing the amount of moisture in the air, this makes moisture on the skin evaporate more readily. People then feel cooler, even though the air temperature stays the same. Less humid air 50% to 55% is MUCH MORE comfortable than 70% or 80% to the skin and many say that it is easier to breathe in 50% humid air than it is in 70% at the same air temperature. If you live in a humid climate, a dehum
A dehumidifier takes moisture out of the air by condensing it onto a cold surface. Have you ever poured a cold glass of water on a hot, humid summer day? If you have, you have seen the moisture condense on the glass. This is because when air cools, it can’t hold its moisture. If you leave the glass on a table long enough, and if the air is humid enough, a big puddle of water will form. The same thing happens in an air conditioner when the moisture in the room condenses on the air conditioner’s cold coils. You will notice, if this is a window unit, that water drips out the back of the unit onto the ground. So, a dehumidifier is just an air conditioner that has both its hot and cold coils in the same box. First, a fan draws the room’s air over the cold coil of the air conditioner to condense the moisture. Next, the dry air passes through the hot coil to heat it back up to its original temperature. If you have a room that is air conditioned, it should not need a dehumidifier — the air co
-A Dehumidifier, (DEE- hyoo-MIHD-uh-FY-uhr), is a device that removes moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers are commonly used in order to make homes more comfortable, to remove moisture from basements, and used when a room or area have been flooded by water and need drying out. A dehumidifier used in basements is an excellent way of possibly preventing mold and mildew growth.