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What is a Durometer?

durometer durometers Mohs

What is a Durometer?


A durometer is an instrument used for measuring indentation hardness of rubber, plastics and other materials. Durometers are built to various standards from ASTM, DIN, JIS and ISO. There are a number of brands of durometers, all of which must conform to the same ASTM specifications if they are to be known as genuine Durometers. Sometimes a Durometer Scale may be referred to by its’ brand name such as Shore. The “A” scale is the Durometer A scale (or type A) and all brands will give the same results.


As a gauge that can be used to check the density or hardness of a given material, the durometer can be used in a number of different applications. Here is some information about durometers, and how the devices can be used in a variety of ways. The durometer functions by analyzing a given substance, and then assigning it a number to denote the level of harness and durability. A lower number would indicate a softer nature for the substance, while a higher number would indicate the product is harder and less susceptible to bending or cracking. Along with the number, there is also often a density rating, with lower density being indicated by an “A” and the higher density being rated as “D”. Thus, a substance that had an overall rating of A30 would be considered less dense and not very hard, compared to a substance with a reading of D70. Readings are generally based on checking several spots along the surface of the material and then making a cumulative rating based on the data. While a dur


As a gauge that can be used to check the density or hardness of a given material, the durometer can be used in a number of different applications. Here is some information about durometers, and how the devices can be used in a variety of ways. The durometer functions by analyzing a given substance, and then assigning it a number to denote the level of harness and durability. A lower number would indicate a softer nature for the substance, while a higher number would indicate the product is harder and less susceptible to bending or cracking. Along with the number, there is also often a density rating, with lower density being indicated by an “A?and the higher density being rated as “D? Thus, a substance that had an overall rating of A30 would be considered less dense and not very hard, compared to a substance with a reading of D70. Readings are generally based on checking several spots along the surface of the material and then making a cumulative rating based on the data. While a durom

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