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What is a good definition of clay slab building?


What is a good definition of clay slab building?


1) “Slab building: Building a form by joining sections that have been cut from sheets of damp clay.” Source and further information: 2) “There are several techniques used in handbuilding clay; slab-building, coiling, press-moulding or a mixture of these processes will allow you to make practically any form you want in ceramics. ” “Slab building. Slabs should be rolled while the clay is soft, and then left until almost leather hard before being cut to size and joined. Harder clay is needed for geometric and architectural work, where straight lines are important. Slightly softer clay is useful when building sculptural pieces with rounded lines. Care must be taken when joining as the clay is drier and less plastic than usual. Some people like to use slip made from the clay body mixed with water to help join the surfaces, with a coil of soft clay pressed along the join afterwards to strengthen it further.

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