What is a Police Community Support Officer?
Police Community Support Officers, commonly referred to, as a ‘PCSO’s are people who are employed by the Police Service to assist and support operational police officers by providing an additional uniformed presence on the streets. They are not police constables so they do not have the additional powers of arrest that the police can use. They do wear uniforms like the police and have the same powers as you do to challenge unlawful acts and anti-social behaviour. What is the role of a PCSO? PCSOs within Thames Valley Policearea provide a uniformed, official presence in a particular area, helping improve the quality of life in that area by making people feel confident and reassured. Using their powers and working with partner agencies, like South Bucks District Council, and community organisations they can help address anti-social behaviour, the fear of crime, environmental issues (including vehicle obstruction) and other things that affect your quality of life. What powers do they have?
Police Community Support Officers are members of support staff employed, directed and managed by Essex Police. They will work to complement and support regular police officers, providing a visible and accessible uniformed presence to improve the quality of life in the community and offer greater public reassurance. PCSOs are not replacement police officers but are there to address some of the tasks that do not require the experience or powers held by police officers, which often take officers away from more appropriate duties. 2. Are they like special constables, traffic wardens or local authority neighbourhood wardens? Just as PCSOs are not the same as police officers, they are not the same as special constables, traffic wardens or local authority wardens. They are a unique role designed purely to tackle local anti-social behaviour and issues affecting the quality of life. We continue to support special constables who have the same powers as police officers. While PCSOs will be provid
They are a job role that are trying to overtake the role of a police man or woman as they are designed to reduce work load on police officers for Minor offences in 10 years time there is hoped to be more of them than police to save money and time and also has part of there duties they are traffic wardens it looks the people above need to know what they are talking about before answering as they are very wrong!