What is a “Qualified Search?” What kinds of search activity are excluded from earning money?
“Qualified Search” is an honest search made by a real human being. Robots, hackers, fancy computer scripts, and other fraudulent search attempts don’t count. Fradulent searches will result in you and your favorite cause being excluded from iGive.com.Also, the following types of search activity will not count for a donation: 1) Searching for an image or video 2) Performing a “Search This Site” search 3) Searching for a URL or website domain. (Examples are search terms that end in .com, .org, .net, .edu, .tv, .ca, etc.) 4) Searching for sites with well-known URLs. (Examples are AOL, CNN, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, MySpace, etc.) 5) Searching for stock quotes or word definitions 6) Searching without having selected a cause first – we will not credit donations retroactively 7) Dishonest Searching, defined as searching for the sole purpose of increasing the money earned, without really caring about the search resultsIt’s vitally important that real people, and only real people, use iSearchiG
A “Qualified Search” is an honest search made by a real human being using the web or product search features. Robots, hackers, fancy computer scripts, and other fraudulent search attempts don’t count. Earnings that result from unqualified or fraudulent search activity will be reversed. Fraudulent searches may result in you or your favorite cause being excluded from iGive.com. Also, the following types of search activity will not count for a donation: 1) Searching for a URL or website domain. (Examples are search terms that end in .com, .org, .net, .edu, .tv, .ca, etc.) 2) Searching for sites with well-known URLs. (Examples are AOL, CNN, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, MySpace, etc.) 3) Repetitive Searching, defined as performing the same search more frequently than once per 60 minute period. In this case, only your first search for that term will result in a donation. 4) Exceeding 120 searches per hour. We will honor donations for up to 120 qualified searches per user per hour. 5) Searching