What is a Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Warning?
A tornado warning means that a thunderstorm or tornado has actually been spotted, or is strongly indicated on radar, and it is time to go to a safe shelter immediately. What about other disasters like floods or large fires? The EOC trains for all types of disasters and operates with all City departments whenever there is a disaster in the City of Broken Arrow. During a major disaster, the City officials meet at the EOC and coordinate the recovery operation for the City. These disasters can include large fires, school violence, hazardous materials spills, floods, severe storms, tornados, severe ice storms or terrorist incidents. If a member of my family is injured, where do I go? St. Francis of Broken Arrow has a mass casualty plan that they will activate during a major disaster. This plan includes several locations throughout the City that will provide emergency medical first aid. Tune to a local radio, television or cable station for information on where those aid stations will be loc