What is a “Silent Auction”?
A silent auction is a fundraising technique frequently used at charity events. It differs from the typical auction conducted by an auctioneer who calls out the prices for items and then takes the raised hands or paddles of people as bids at a certain price. It’s often a preferred means for raising money at charitable events because it does not detract from the entertainment provided at the event. Usually, a silent auction is conducted by setting up tables or displays of items or services upon which people can bid. A minimum bid may be set, especially when the item is of high value. Paper is located near the item, which allows for people to write down their names and bids. This gives people a chance, during the event, to tour the different items available for auction and decide upon which items they would like to bid. Often one sheet of paper shows all previous bids so that people participating in the silent auction know that they need to bid higher in order to get the item. They also h
People love silent auctions because everyone loves a good deal. I once bid $9 at a silent auction on a brand new folding table (actually worth $35) and my bid was the highest. I’m still using that table and it was certainly a bargain. What makes the event “silent?” A silent auction is one without an auctioneer. During the auction period, (a set amount of time such as 4-6 hours or all day Saturday) bids are written down on a sheet of paper. The bidder can see all the previous bids logged onto the sheet. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder wins the item. But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Here’s the way a silent auction works as a successful fund-raiser. All of the available items in the silent auction must be solicited in advance. Thus there is very little overhead for this project. You can do this by asking vendors, local merchants, personal contacts or anyone else. Donations such as these are 100% tax deductible. Bigger, nicer items are always preferable. At least one ni
Items that are not part of the Live Auction will be displayed at the Benefit. Some are certificates for services and goods, others are items like jewelry, wine, sporting tickets, tickets to Broadway shows, furniture and more. Each guest is given a bidder number upon check-in, and then uses that number when writing their bids on a bid sheet that will be near the item. When the bidding closes, the highest bidder can claim their item at the end of the night.