What is Acai Berry?
Acai Palm Berry is touted by many as the fruit of the century. It is tapped by many North American and European countries for making product derivatives. After having siphoned off the fruit from the Amazonian forests, many western countries are making the most of it. They are promoting it as master drug for fast weight loss. Acai has been quintessential in bringing many positive changes in the lives of American and European individuals. It is hailed as an elixir for all the right reasons. Acai is being increasingly mixed with white tea to create a great health product. In fact both are blessed with therapeutic values and their combination is worth considering. Acai is a champion product as so many have witnessed. In its natural form, the wholesome, delectable fruit is a mine of energy. It contains various mono-saturated oils like Omega 3 and Omega 6. Further, it has polyphenols, a lot many vital amines and minerals. Obviously it has the required carbohydrates and minerals just as well
Acai Berry grows in North America rainforests. It was used as juice or content in ice cream. It has also supernatural effects on people; therefore, some companies started to sell it as pill or copsule. Acai Berry is a supernatural fruit. It keeps people fit by giviyin energy. Scientific studies proved that it gives extra power to immunity system and it puts blood circulation in order. Florida University stated that Acai Berry eliminates % 86 of cells with leucaemia. So, Acai is named as world’s healthiest fruit by, especially, American scientists. Acai Berry ,having a taste like strawberry with chocolate, has more calsium than milk, it has more antioksidan than blackberry and it has more nutritious content than multivitamin pills. Acai berry, named as super fruit, includes these contents; anthocyanin, polifenol, fitosterol, omega 3, omega 6, omega 9, diet fibroids, vitamin E, vitamin B, vitamin C, calsium, iron, phosphorous and KA. Acai Berry prevents colon cancer, rheumatism, tumor ca