What is An Amanuensis?
An amanuensis is someone who takes dictation, transcribes written material, or assists in some other way with written or hand-performed work. For example, in an academic setting, an amanuensis might take notes for a disabled student, or assist him or her with papers, examinations, and similar tasks. The function of an amanuensis varies widely, depending on the context and the nation. In some countries, for example, the position of amanuensis is formalized, much like that of a secretary or personal assistant, while in other countries, the term is used more casually. This term derives from the Latin servus a manu, literally “servant at hand,” a reference to the personal secretaries who accompanied high-ranking Romans. These secretaries would take dictation, deliver messages, and provide a wide variety of other secretarial services, including translation. Many of them were educated Greek slaves, although some freed Romans also worked in this position, and an amanuensis often came to be a
• ABRSM use the term ‘amanuensis’ to describe someone who will either read questions for you (a reader), take down your answers (a scribe), or do both for you during your exam, where you are unable to do so yourself because of a physical disability, learning difficulty or a visual impairment. • You may choose to have the questions read out and to write down your own answers (using a reader), or to read the questions yourself and for the amanuensis to write down your answers (using a scribe). Alternatively, you may want the amanuensis to do both of these things. • The code ‘A’ on the entry form covers a reader, a scribe or both. • Because using an amanuensis is not a silent process you will need to take your exam in a separate room to avoid disturbing other candidates.