What is an e-book and what is the difference between purchasing an e-book and a hardcover?
An e-book is a PDF file that is available for immediate download after your purchase. You will receive download instructions for the Diet Solution Program e-book, as well as the bonus reports. You will be able to download them and print them within minutes of ordering. Having immediate access to these files is a major benefit of e-book distribution. If you want to start your new nutrition program within the next hour, you can do so simply by ordering your e-book and downloading the information. A hard copy version of The Diet Solution Program is available. Once you have completed your purchase of the downloadable version of The Diet Solution Program, you will be given the option to upgrade your purchase to a hard copy for a nominal fee. You will able to begin your new nutrition meal plans right away using the e-book downloads while you wait for your books to arrive in the mail. Hard copies are not available without purchase of the complete downloadable program.