What is an Impairment Rating and Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
When your doctor or the Designated Doctor believe that you have gotten as good as you can get they will normally assign you an Impairment Rating. When you have completed the majority of your medical care and are not going to get significantly better you are at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). Maximum Medical Improvement can also be defined as a point in your treatment where you have reached a medical plateau and further recovery can no longer be anticipated. This is a complicated percentage point system which provides specific numbers for specific injuries. THIS RATING IS EXTREMELY CRITICAL as it can lead to eligibility for Supplemental Income Benefits (SIBS) and can provide income to you even if you return to work. Insurance companies very often request Designated Doctors to provide you a Rating even before you are ready. These Ratings can be disputed, but you must do so in a timely manner and we recommend that you contact an attorney as soon as you get an Impairment Rating so that