What is cannabis ruderalis?
Ruderalis is one of the cannabis subspecies. In the absence of a pronounced medical or recreational effect, for a long time it remained unnoticed by marijuana users and breeders, until one day its true value for the hemp crop was revealed.
The small size and low THC content does not suggest any psychoactive effect. There is no point in using it, but some breeders create hybrids, enhancing the properties of weed hemp, and in this case, you can already count on a tangible effect. However, the value of ruderalis is different – it is an autoflowering plant.
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Cannabis ruderalis is a short and stalky plant, especially when compared to its Sativa and Indica counterparts. Cannabis is a very useful and beneficial drug. Last month, I was discussing my back spasm with one of my friends of mine and he suggested a 14mm male quartz banger and I was wondered, the result was outstanding.
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