Coaching is a special partnership with an experienced professional mentor who is committed to your well-being, success and happiness. In the coaching relationship we focus on goals that will transform the quality of your work and personal life. To accomplish this, we draw from our extensive background in communication, motivation, business, optimal learning strategies and spiritual growth. We use our knowledge of these disciplines to benefit you, whether you are an entrepreneur, professional or business owner.
Coaching is a special partnership with an experienced professional mentor who is committed to your well-being, success and happiness. In the coaching relationship we focus on goals that will transform the quality of your work and personal life. To accomplish this, we draw from our extensive background in communication, motivation, business, optimal learning strategies and spiritual growth. We use our knowledge of these disciplines to benefit you, whether you are a professional, entrepreneur or business owner.
The coaching relationship is designed to help clients exceed limitations, keep the client more focused than they would be on their own, to set and achieve personal and career/business goals, achieve meaningful change effectively and quickly, and reinforce skills that enable the client to be their personal best. A coach is a highly trained professional that works with individuals who are willing to be accountable for their actions. A Retirement Coach assists retirees and pre-retirees identify areas where planning can help them achieve a successful and fulfilling retirement. Retirement coaching is more structured than Life Coaching. The tools available to the Retirement coach shorten up the coaching process allowing the client to achieve results quickly – reducing the number of coaching sessions needed. The most important step is to complete the RSP . This can be a reassuring step and provides a concrete starting point.
Coaching blends the best concepts from business, psychology, philosophy, sports and spirituality to support you in achieving your dreams and goals. According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is defined as “partnership between a qualified coach and an individual or team that supports the achievement of extraordinary results, based on goals set by the individual or team. Through the process of coaching, individuals focus on the skills and actions needed to successfully produce their personally relevant results.” A coach will listen, ask powerful questions, help you create new perspective, and offer insights. It is an opportunity to experience self-directed learning, create your dreams, pursue your goals, get results, and build your confidence. Utilizing a professional coach essentially takes you from where you are now to where you want to go. How is coaching different from other professions? Below is a professional matrix that will help you to determine the differenc
Coaching is a relationship by choice with an highly skilled professional who works with you as a personal partner. As a result of this relationship, you . . . • . . . exceed your previous limitations continuously; • . . . keep open to requests to do more than you would have done on your own; • . . . set and reach better more worthwhile goals; • . . . produce results more easily and quickly; • . . . reenforce and sharpen desired skills so that you are the best you can be. “People get focused and produce faster and easier because they have a coach.