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What is criteria for approval of leave sharing/advance annual leave/advance sick leave?

10 Posted

What is criteria for approval of leave sharing/advance annual leave/advance sick leave?


Leave share information can be found in 226 FW 7. To apply, the employee should complete Optional Form 630 or a memo including name, social security number, reason(s) leave is needed including a brief description of the nature, severity, and anticipated duration of the medical emergency, and certification from one or more licensed physicians or other appropriate experts with respect to the medical emergency. The request/application is then submitted to the supervisor for approval and then forwarded to Human Resources for program approval and administration. Requests for advanced annual leave can only be approved by the next level supervisor. The maximum amount that can be advanced is the amount of annual leave the employee will earn in the remainder of the leave year. Employee submits a written request including his/her justification to support the request. Requests for advanced sick leave can only be approved by the next level supervisor. The maximum amount of a sick leave advance(s)

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.