What is EPAs role in setting bacteriological water quality standards for swimming safety?
Section 303(c) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) provides the statutory basis for water quality standards. It is primarily a state program subject to EPA oversight to maintain compliance with CWA requirements. EPA’s regulations implementing this section require states to adopt sufficient criteria and monitoring in their standards to protect designated uses. EPA has developed ambient water quality criteria for bacteria for use by the states and tribes in establishing standards for recreational waters. These criteria were last updated in 1986. To date, only about 20% of the states have updated their standards based on these revisions. EPA is actively promoting its goal of ensuring that all states and tribes update their bathing beach standards. In a recent letter to the states and tribes, EPA strongly encouraged them to adopt the updated E. coli/enterococcus standards. We are also coordinating with our regional offices to direct attention to this issue during the triennial review process for