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What is Gluten Intolerance?


What is Gluten Intolerance?


Gluten intolerance is also called celiac disease and is an inherited condition that causes an extreme physical reaction when they ingest gluten from grains like wheat, barley and rice. The condition is not curable, and can become severe, damaging the small intestine and causing poor absorption of vitamins and minerals or malnutrition. Though it usually cannot be cured, gluten intolerance can be addressed by avoiding products which contain gluten. This is becoming easier to do with many low or gluten-free foods available, which make good substitutes for foods with gluten. It’s a good thing that such foods have been marketed, since about one in 100 people may suffer from gluten intolerance. People with gluten intolerance respond to gluten by having an immune reaction. This can cause a variety of symptoms. Diarrhea, fatigue, anemia, sudden malnutrition, weight loss, weight gain, and muscle cramps may all result.


Gluten intolerance is also known as Celiac disease. Quite simply, if you suffer from Celiac disease you have a genetic disorder that makes you intolerantto gluten. Celiac disease can affect all types of people. However, it seems to be more prevalent among people of Northern European descent. In the USA about 1 in 133 people suffer from Celiac disease. Symptoms of Celiac Disease Can Include: — Diarrhea — Weight Loss — Malnutrition — Mild weakness — Bone pain — Abdominal bloating (stomach swells) — Nutrient Deficiencies — Ill health with no gastrointestinal symptoms The Most Common Foods that Contain Gluten are: — Wheat — Rye — Barley Many believed oats were toxic to people suffering from Celiac Disease. However, experts are not so sure as recent studies seem to indicate this may not be the case. The jury is still out on whether oats are bad for Celiacs (people who suffer from Celiac Disease). Consequences of Consuming Gluten for Celiacs If a person who is gluten intolerant co

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