What is high season? What is the definition for high season, shoulder season and low season?
High season marks the most popular times of the year for travel in Tibet, due to the weather, holiday periods or other reasons. Therefore hotels, airlines and travel agencies are heavily booked, and prices are higher than at other times.The seasons are usually defined as follows: High season: July 1 to October 15. Shoulder season: May 1 to June 30. Low season: October 16 to April 30.Travelers should also be aware that the peak holiday periods: first week in May, first week in October, and Chinese Spring Festival (often takes place in late January or early February) are particularly busy. Prices and bookings will be even higher than usual.Access Tibet Tour reserves the right to vary prices as a result of seasonal charges being imposed.
High season marks the most popular times of the year for travel in Tibet, due to the weather, holiday periods or other reasons. Therefore hotels, airlines and travel agencies are heavily booked, and prices are higher than at other times. The seasons are usually defined as follows: High season: July 1 to October 15. Shoulder season: May 1 to June 30. Low season: October 16 to April 30.Travelers should also be aware that the peak holiday periods: first week in May, first week in October, and Chinese Spring Festival (often takes place in late January or early February) are particularly busy. Prices and bookings will be even higher than usual.Access Tibet Tour reserves the right to vary prices as a result of seasonal charges being imposed.