What is it that Prem Rawat offers?
“What I offer is a way to be able to go within and savor the beauty that is within you. I do not create the beauty. It is not a mental thing. It is not an imagination. It does not come from a book. It does not come from ideas. It is something already within you.” Copenhagen, Denmark 1994 “It is simple because it is already within you. It is profound because it defies every explanation. It is something that cannot be written about; it can only be felt. And you have the capacity to feel it” Seattle, Washington, USA 1994 “I have no solution to the world problems. I have nothing new to tell you. Instead, I offer you one of the things that you have known for the longest time. That which you are looking for, and have looked for, and love, and admire is within you. And I offer a way to be able to reach that.” Wembley, UK.