What is landfill gas?
Landfill gasis generated when biological material is degraded in the absence of oxygen (also called methane fermentation). Landfill gas is combustible and is mainly composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas is a renewable form of energy that can be transformed into useful energy (heat, electricity, fuel) and can help, in the end, reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
A3. Landfill gas is a gas from the decay of biomass and one of the lesser known fuel sources for producing electricity. Organic matter, such as that buried in landfill sites, breaks down to produce methane gas and other landfill gases. Capturing and burning these gases enables the generation of electricity. The advantage of this method is that it prevents methane – a potent greenhouse gas – and other landfill gases from escaping into the atmosphere. Our current sources of landfill gas generation are located in Queensland, Victoria and NSW.
A2. Landfill gas is a gas from the decay of biomass and one of the lesser known fuel sources for producing electricity. Organic matter, such as that buried in landfill sites, breaks down to produce methane gas and other landfill gases. Capturing and burning these gases enables the generation of electricity. The advantage of this method is that it prevents methane – a potent greenhouse gas – and other landfill gases from escaping into the atmosphere. Our current sources of landfill gas generation are located in Queensland, Victoria and NSW.